Mr. President

Mr. President –

This Sunday I will share five things I would say to our next president and with each comment, I will unpack a principle that each of us could do that would radically change our lives and impact our community.

We must not only share our opinions, each of us must personally take action.  It’s time to stop sitting back, watching the news and complaining.  God wants you to make  bold stand.

It’s time for every Christian to become more concerned with what God thinks, what He is doing or allowing to happen, than what others think or what we see on the news.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 – But regarding anything beyond this, dear friend, go easy. There’s no end to the publishing of books, and constant study wears you out so you’re no good for anything else. The last and final word is this:  Fear God.  Do what he tells you.  14 And that’s it. Eventually God will bring everything that we do out into the open and judge it according to its hidden intent, whether it’s good or evil.  (MSG)

Pastor Mike
