Soul Man

Soul Man

I am soul man – it’s not just a song that the Blues Brothers sang, you are a soul man or soul woman.  The reason our lives become filled with so much anxiety, stress, relational disconnection, and lack of contentment is because we’ve gotten away from caring for our soul. You are a soul.  It’s not only what you are, it’s who you are.  Sure, you have a body but it’s your soul that can be lost and your soul (you) that God desires to restore.
Dione Dean writes, “I believe that the reason our souls are so broken is because we’ve turned our focus outward instead of inward.  Literally, we look to social media to sustain us, spending hours comparing our lives to people that we will never meet, who are comparing themselves to people they will never meet, and so on and so forth.  We end up putting our lives up against strangers and putting ourselves down for not meeting standards, they themselves cannot meet.  Stop it!”
All mankind including you and I were created as a living soul – each unique unlike anyone else, yet each of us having a spirit connection with God; it’s our spirit connection that allows our soul to find its created purpose, which is to bear the image of God himself. The Bible shows us the consequences of bearing the wrong image.
Saul desired to be seen as a king and lost his soul.  The rich young ruler desired to be seen as wealthy and suffered from a disconnected soul.  On the other hand, David, who was also a king, was known as a man after God’s own heart.  Likewise Abraham, who was very wealthy, was known as a friend of God. Our soul longs to bear an image – it is what it was created for.  An unhealthy soul remains lost, but a connected soul finds itself being restored.
Get connected this Sunday – Pastor Mike

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